A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.
Jonathan Swift ![Jonathan Swift](https://i0.wp.com/liftkit.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Quotes.png?fit=150%2C150&ssl=1)
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin ![Benjamin Franklin](https://i0.wp.com/liftkit.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Quotes.png?fit=150%2C150&ssl=1)
The Landscape Investment and Finance Tool comprises a three-module process and materials that help landscape initiatives define, develop and find finance for their landscape priorities. The tool guides you through a process to find the types of investors that might be interested in your landscape-specific business cases, and develop pitch materials to successfully acquire that finance.
To get a copy of LIFT we ask that you provide your email address and some basic information so we can follow up and keep track of where and how LIFT is being used.
LIFT is developed for landscape leaders that work as part of a multi-stakeholder landscape collaboration. If you represent an NGO, company or government agency, but work collectively with a broader set of stakeholders in a landscape to establish a set of priority landscape interventions, then you can use the Beta version of LIFT.
It would also be nice if you were excited to be a part of the ongoing development of the tool and willing to work closely with our team to improve the tool so it can better meet your (and others’) needs in the future.
Watch and learn in our video lessons on LIFT.
The LIFT Kit is currently in development. We’ve tested it in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, the Northern Coastal Zone of Honduras, the Atewa Forest in Ghana, and the Kilombero Valley of Tanzania, and additional trials are underway in various landscapes across southeast Asia. These tests have demonstrated that the content and process is valuable. We are now focused on making LIFT as effective and easy-to-use for multi-stakeholder landscape partnerships as possible.
If you are interested in using LIFT to help your landscape initiative find finance, we’re interested in learning with and from you about what works well and what does not.
We will only use your email address to contact you regarding LIFT. We will not sell or give your email address to anyone else.
We will only use your information to contact you about LIFT. We never sell or give away your information.
Thank you for joining the LIFT Community.
You will need to confirm your subscription via an email sent to the address you provided, and then you will be automatically sent a special link to download the LIFTkit.